Big Ride Day 42

Chagrin Falls, OH to Canfield, OH 66 miles Next Day Previous Day

Photos from Day 42

I slept in this morning since it was such a short day and since I didn't have a tent to put away. I didn't get up until 6:00 AM! Todd gave me a ride back to the Polo Fields and we left for breakfast from there. Breakfast was a 3.5-mile detour off the route, which added 7 miles to the short day. The route to breakfast was very hilly with some really steep climbs, which did not seem to bode well for the rest of the day. However, after breakfast, it began to flatten out and we had a pretty easy day after all. We pressed on through to get to camp early today and I was glad we did. We got to go to the Bike Nashbar Outlet Store (although it turned out not to be that impressive). I bought ANOTHER new pair of cleats for my shoes (this is my third set) and installed them while watching the Tour de France coverage on TV. Dinner was pretty good but we ran out of food again. That was pretty bad. Also, the showers broke today so we had nothing but cold water to shower with -- it actually felt kind of good. It seems as though it will be a nice cool night so I'm going to try to get to bed early and get a good night's sleep.

This page modified November 25, 2000