Big Ride Day 7

Sandpoint, ID to Thompson Falls, MT 87 miles Next Day Previous Day

Photos from Day 7

Even though there weren't any big climbs today, the ride turned out to be very challenging. From the start, I felt kind of sluggish and it seemed like a lot of other people felt the same way. The whole group was moving slow. The terrain was rolling but with some climbs. The scenery was great, especially once we hit Montana. I rode right past the ID-MT border the first time and didn't even see it but then went back for a picture when I realized what I had done. A little ways into Montana, I stopped at this little country store and bought a small box of huckleberry truffles, apparently a local delicacy, to send to Christine. I met this guy who it turns out was from near my hometown in PA. We chatted for a while about how he had ended up in Montana. It's really interesting the people you meet on the road.

For a while, I was riding with a big group of folks and we went down a side road to see a dam because it said they give tours on Sundays and it was Sunday. We got to the dam and there was a gate. One of the guys (Eric) started pressing buttons and in the distance, we could hear a phone ringing over a loud speaker every time he pressed a button. Then it sounded like someone answered the phone and he asked about getting a tour. We all started laughing but then these official looking trucks started coming up from below and we got out of there quick! By the end of the ride, I finished the ride with two guys that I've been hanging out with and riding with a lot -- Eric and Doug. Doug is a chiropractor who is from Minnesota but lives in San Jose. Eric is a consultant from Chicago. We were all dragging by the time we got to the end of the ride. As a double whammy, we switched time zones today, which means that we lost an hour. A lot of people got in late from the ride today.

The town we're in tonight is a really small town. We are staying at a high school again and most of the showers don't work or put out either hot or cold water only. It seems like every time we stay at a school or somewhere that we can use the existing facilities, the showers never work. I don't know what they do during the school year when the students need to use them for gym class. Anyway, after I put up my tent and got cleaned up, I got on the bus for dinner. Tonight, we got shipped to another school for dinner and it was awesome! Tons of different kinds of food and lots of desserts. Wow, yet another great meal. By the time dinner was over and we had our riders meeting, it was time for bed! It's strange now that we crossed the time line because it is light so much later. I went to sleep at about 9:45 and it was still light out. I didn't have any trouble falling asleep but I did get woken up alot by this guy who is just a world champion snorer and I mean it! This guy snores so loud that practically the entire camp can hear it! It's almost inhuman. Not even earplugs could drown it out. Actually, my earplugs aren't working all that well. The kind I got don't seem to stay in my ears very well. I have to go get some new ones in Missoula. They are calling for rain tonight. Could be interesting! Oh, I almost forgot -- because we are in bear country, we have to put all our gear in the truck for the night. What a pain!

This page modified November 25, 2000