Big Ride Day 35

Lisle , IL Rest Day Next Day Previous Day

Photos from Day 35

Today was a wonderful, relaxing rest day that really recharged my batteries. We slept in really late (at least compared to the times we've been getting up!) and then went downstairs to have a great all-you-can-eat brunch at the hotel. After breakfast, a bunch of piled into Connie's van and went to do laundry -- the weekly ritual. While everything was washing, we ran errands. First, it was off to this great outdoor store called Erehwon ("nowhere" spelled backwards). I got some new tent poles (which they thankfully sold me separately) and some new cycling equipment such as gloves and a new relief seat. We then visited some other local bike shops looking for things that other people needed. After driving around town for the afternoon, we hit dinner a bit early at an all-you-can-eat Chinese place and then got back to camp in time to set up for the night. I finally put my tent up after three day of not having one -- what a relief!

For the evening's entertainment, we had a guy that calls himself "The Bicycling Comedian." For thirteen years, he has literally been cycling from gig to gig all over the US. He has put almost 100,000 miles on his bike since he started and somehow manages to scrape out a living. His routine wasn't all that funny, even to someone who understands the trials and tribulations of the road, but the one part which really was truly great was his collection of the funny signs he has seen along the way. Some of them were just hilarious. After the bicycling comedian, it was time to hit the sack. Tomorrow, we have a long day and we want to get in early since there will be a big celebration in Laporte for us.

This page modified November 25, 2000